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Useful Websites for Parents

Some parents have asked me about different websites they might use to support their child's learning. I've put together a few on the blog that might be useful for everyone. These can be used as homework helpers and also a way to consolidate learning at home in a visual and interactive way. 

To access these sites, just click on the links provided.


2nd class -  
3rd class -
Both -

These Ixl websites have online activities based on each part of the curriculum. You may need to register on the website to use it. Math Playground has activities for different maths topics and also gives the opportunity to practice addition, subtraction and multiplication tables. Tables are the basis for everything we do in Maths and cannot be practiced enough! 

Multipication Tables (3rd class)  


All of the children's weekly spellings are uploaded onto this website with loads of opportunities to learn their spellings and play games like Hang Mouse, Wordsearch Fun and Audio Word Match. It is a fantastic resource for children and can be used as homework each night!

This Starfall website has lots of different stories and books to read online. They contain pictures and interactive games to get the children excited about reading! Children should be reading as much as possible to continue to improve fluency, understanding and vocabulary. 


The children get Irish homework once or twice a week but many parents find it the most difficult to help with so the link above is a quick and accurate online Irish dictionary to help with unknown words.

These have access to cartoons and games in Irish that the children will enjoy. Just scroll down and look for 'Cluichí' (Games), 'Comórtas Ealaine' (Art competitions) and 'Cláir' (Programmes).


St. Joseph's N.S.
Derrywash, Castlebar, Co. Mayo
​F23 T659
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