Peer Work
Buddy Reading
Throughout the year buddy reading, in English and as Gaeilge, has been underway weekly. Junior and Senior Infants have been learning from (and teaching!) their buddies in 5th and 6th Class, while 1st and 2nd Class are enjoying working with their 3rd and 4th Class buddies. Working together has helped us develop our communication skills, patience and confidence. It's lovely to see our buddies in the yard and on the corridors too!

Buddy Writing
While exploring Procedural Writing, buddies in 1st and 3rd Class and 2nd and 4th Class collaborated. Each team of buddies chose a procedural writing topic, wrote the procedure (with those key features in mind!) and produced their very own InShot video.
Buddy Gaeilge
1st and 2nd Class have been working with Gaeilge buddies in 3rd and 4th Class creating 'Box Projects'
One topic we chose to revise was
"Mé Féin". We wrote about ourselves and our families as Gaeilge revising key vocabulary and having fun constructing our boxes (Revising 3D shapes too!)

Buddy P.E.
Junior and Senior Infants have been enjoying working with 5th and 6th Class with their Fundamental Movement Skills in P.E. each week.