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Valentine's Day Poetry & Art

2nd and 3rd class were feeling the love all around today and decided to write some poetry to reflect that!

Here are some of the poems written today;

Roses are red,

Daisies are white,

I love you

with all my might. - Darragh

Roses are red,

Tulips are pink,

I love you; that's what I think! - Zoe

Roses are red,

The night is black,

I love you to the moon and back! - James

Daisies are white,

Sunshine is bright,

I will hug you with all my might. - Kate McC

Roses are red,

Tulips are white,

You make me happy

when you hug me tight. - Sophie

Roses are red,

So is Mars

I love you

to the moon and stars. - Rebecca

Flowers are yellow

The sun is too

You are as beautiful

As the sky is blue. - Eric

Violets are blue,

You are too.

I always cheer up

when I'm close to you! - Keila

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

It is true that

Me and Dad love you. - Adam

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

You arethe best persion

That I ever knew - Emma

My heart is red,

My veins are blue,

I love you and you

love me too. - Sarah

Roses are red,

The clouds are white,

I think of you

Both day and night. - Kate O'D

Roses are red,

My pencil case is blue,

Happy First Valentine's,

I love you. - Matthew

Roses are red,

Cherries are pink,

The world is love

and so is red ink. - Bernie

Roses are red,

The sky is blue,

I would be blue

If I didn't know you - Marie Claire

There's two of us,

There's one of you,

Twice the love,

Twice the care,

There's lots of love to share. - Leah

Roses are red,

So are you,

You're my best friend too. - Ryan

The night is black

But you're as bright as the sun,

I love you,

You're my honeybun. - Ixchel

Roses are red,

Tulips are too,

Blueberries are lovely,

Just like you. -Emily

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I really, really, really,

really, really like you - Caoimhe

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sunshine is bright

And so are you - Katie C

Roses are red

Just like your mouth

I love you

From north to south. - Winnie

Roses are red,

It's time for bed

When I wake up

Love will spread! - Luke

Roses are red,

Violets are blue

I chew my pencil

when I think of you! - Rory

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I love you

with all my heart too.. - Lauren

We also looked at some work from the artist Romero Britto and recreated one of this pieces using some of his techniques. Here are some pictures of us hard at work! Keep an eye on our blog for pictures of the finished product.

We also completed some other art work but they are a secret until given out to the family!

A very Happy Valentine's Day from all in 2nd and 3rd class!

-2nd, 3rd and Ms. Fitzgerald.

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