Derrywash NS
3rd and 4th Class Van Gogh's
Some amazing art work from 3rd and 4th Class inspired by Vincent Van Gogh. We have been enjoying studying Van Gogh's art work and have...

Derrywash NS
Maths week in Mrs Jennings’ class
We have had lots of fun looking at 2D shapes this week. We made patterns on Monday and played games on the board on Tuesday. We sorted...

Derrywash NS
Student council
This week we had our first meeting of the newly formed Derrywash NS. There has been great excitement in the school with elections in 1st...

Derrywash NS
The Three Little Pigs
We had lots of fun all based around the Three Little Pigs. Lots of talking, art and play!

Derrywash NS
We were flat out improving our fine motor skills while building our houses today.